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2020. 10. 29. 10:19우리에게 너무 익숙한 Aesop's fable 로 영어독해 연습할 수 있는 페이지입니다.
지속적으로 업데이트 예정입니다. 즐겨찾기 걸어서 꾸준히 Study 해봐요~~
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 늑대와 양
THE WOLF AND THE LAMB 늑대와 양 One day a Wolf and a Lamb happened to come at the same time to drink from a brook that ran down the side of the mountain. 어느날 늑대와 양이 산기슭을 흐르는 시냇물로..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여우와 사자
THE FOX AND THE LION 여우와 사자 A little fox was out playing one day, when a Lion came roaring along. “Dear me,” said the Fox, as he hid behind a tree, “I never saw a Lion before...
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 개와 그림자
A DOG once had a nice piece of meat for his dinner. 개 한마리가 저녁으로 고기 한점을 가졌어요. Some say that it was stolen, but others, that it had been given him by a butcher, which we hope was the..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 게와 엄마
“MY child,” said a Crab to her son, “why do you walk so awkwardly?" "얘야", 게가 아들에게 말했어요, "너는 왜 어색하게 걷니?" "If you wish to make a good appearance, you should go s..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여우와 포도
It was a sultry day, and a Fox was almost famishing with hunger and thirst. 무더운 날이 었어요. 여우 한마리가 거의 배 고프고 목말라 죽을 지경이었어요. He was just saying to himself that anything wou..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 늑대와 두루미
One day a Wolf, who was eating his dinner much too fast, swallowed a bone, which stuck in his throat and pained him very much. He tried to get it out, but could not. 어느날 늑대가 저녁식사를 매우 빠..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 개미와 베짱이
THE Ants and the Grasshoppers lived together in the great field. The Ants were busy all the time gathering a store of grain to lay by for winter use. 개미와 베짱이가 넗은 들판에 함께 살았어요. 개미..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 소년과 늑대
A kid coming home alone one night met a big Wolf. 한 꼬마가 혼자 집에 오다가 큰 늑대를 만났어요. “Oh, oh, I know you will kill me,” said the little Kid; “but please play me a tune,..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 사자 가죽을 뒤집어 쓴 당나귀
A DONKEY once put on a Lion’s skin which some hunters had spread out to dry. 당나귀 한마리가 어떤 사냥꾼이 말리려고 널어놓은 사자 껍질을 뒤집어 썼어요. It did not fit the Donkey very well, but..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 회의중인 쥐들 (The mice in council)
Some little Mice, who lived in the walls of a house, met together one night, to talk of the wicked Cat and to consider what could be done to get rid of her. 한집의 벽안에서 살고있는 몇몇 쥐들이 어느..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 매와 나이팅게일
A Nightingale sitting on the top of an oak, singing her evening song, was spied by a hungry Hawk, who swooped down and seized her. 참나무 위에 앉아서 저녁노래를 부르고 있는 나이팅게일을 배고픈 매가..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 왕을 원했던 개구리들
There were once some Frogs who lived together in perfect security in a beautiful lake. 옛날에 몇몇 개구리들이 아름다운 호수에 정말 안전하게 함께 살고 있었어요. They were a large company, and were ve..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 까마귀와 물주전자
A THIRSTY Crow once spied a pitcher, and flew to it to see if by chance there was any water in it. 목마른 까마귀가 어느날 물주전자를 발견하고 날아가서 혹시 그 안에 물이 있는지 봤어요. When she looke..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 개미와 비둘기
AN Ant, walking by the river one day, said to himself, “How nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But as he began to drink, his foot slipped, and he fell in. 개미 한..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 황소와 개구리
AN Ox, drinking at a pool, chanced to set his foot on a young Frog, and crushed him to death. 웅덩이에서 물을 마시던 한마리 황소가 우연히 어린 개구리를 발로 밟아서 죽였어요. His brothers and sisters..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 박쥐와 족제비
A Bat, trying to fly one day, fell to the ground, and a Weasel caught him. 박쥐 한마리가 어느날 날다가, 땅에 떨어져서, 족제비에게 잡혔어요. The Bat begged the Weasel not to kill him. 박쥐는 살려달라..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여우와 염소
A FOX once happened to fall into a deep well. 여우가 우연히 깊은 우물에 빠지게 되었어요. He tried in every way to get out, but at last began to think that it was impossible, and that he must die the..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 돌국 (Stone Broth)
ONE very stormy day a Poor Man came to a rich man’s house to beg. 어느 비바람치는 날에 가난한 남자가 구걸하러 부자네 집에 찾아왔어요. “Away with you!” said the servants; “do not come here troubl..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 노새와 귀뚜라미
A MULE, hearing some Grasshoppers chirping, was much pleased with the sound, and wished that he could make such sweet music. 노새 한마리가, 귀뚜라미가 소리내는걸 듣고는, 그 소리에 뿅가서 자기도 그런..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여자와 암탉
A WOMAN had a Hen that laid an egg every day. The eggs were large, and sold for a good price. 한 여자가 매일 알을 낳는 암탉을 가졌어요. 알들은 컸고, 좋은 가격에 팔렸어요. The Woman often thought, as..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여물통 안에 개
A SLEEPY Dog went to the barn, and jumped into a manger full of hay, curling himself up there for an afternoon nap. 졸리는 개가 헛간으로 가서 건초가 가득한 여물통으로 뛰어올라, 몸을 웅크리고 오후 낮..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 쥐, 개구리 그리고 매
A MOUSE, who had always lived on the land, and a Frog, who passed most of his time in the water, became friends. 육지에만 항상 살았던 쥐와, 물에서만 살아왔던 개구리가 친구가 되었어요. The Mouse show..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 양치기소년과 늑대
A MAN who had a fine flock of Sheep put them all into a field, and hired a Boy to take care of them, while he worked near by with his Men. 꽤 많은 무리의 양을 가진 한 사람이 들판에 양들을 풀어놓고,..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 어부와 작은 물고기
ALL day long a Fisherman had been toiling and had caught nothing. 하루종일, 어부는 고생했지만 아무것도 잡지 못했어요. “I will make one more effort,” thought he, “and then I must go..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여우와 까마귀
A CROW stole a piece of cheese one day, and flew with it up into a tree, so as to eat it at her leisure. 어느날 까마귀 한마리가 치즈 하나를 훔쳐서 나무로 날라갔어요. 짬날때 먹으려구요. As she sat th..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 꿩(자고새)와 꽃
A fowler caught a Partridge, and was just going to kill it. 새 사냥꾼이 꿩을 잡았어요, 그리고 죽이려고 하는데.. “Wait a moment,” said the Partridge; “don’t kill me.” "..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 목마른 비둘기
A PIGEON who was very thirsty saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. 아주 목마른 비둘기 한마리가 간판에 그려진 고블릿 물잔을 봤어요. Without stopping to see what it was, she flew to it with..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 세명의 상인
A great city was once besieged, and all its inhabitants were gathered together to consider by what means it might be protected from the enemy. "큰 도시가 포위되어 주민들이 모였어요. 적들로 부터 보호..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 토끼들과 개구리들
IN A FOREST, deep, shady, and still, there once lived a company of Hares. 깊고, 그늘지고, 조용한 숲속에 한무리의 토끼들이 살았어요. Whenever a leaf fell rustling to the ground, or a squirrel, jumpin..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 독수리와 화살
A MOST rapacious Eagle had his eyrie on a lofty rock. 아주 탐욕스러운 독수리 한마리가 높은 바위위에 둥지를 틀었어요. Sitting there, he could watch the movements of the animals he wished to make his..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 독수리와 여우
ONE day a mother Eagle came flying out of her nest to look for food for her babies. 어느날 엄마 독수리가 아기독수리들을 위한 먹이를 찾기위해 둥지에서 나왔어요. She circled round and round, far up in..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 북과 향초 꽃병
A DRUM once boasted to a Vase of Sweet Herbs in this way: 북(드럼)이 한번은 향초 꽃병에게 이런식으로 자랑질을 했어요: “Listen to me! My voice is loud and can be heard far off." "내말 잘 들어라..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 두마리 개구리 - 변화를 싫어하면 뒈진다
ONCE there were two Frogs who were dear friends. 옛날에 친한 친구사이였던 두마리 개구리가 살고 있었어요. One lived in a deep pond in the woods, where the trees hung over the water, and where no one..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 사자와 쥐
IT ONCE happened that a hungry Lion woke to find a Mouse just under his paw. 굶주린 사자가 잠에서 깨었을때 발아래 쥐새끼가 한마리 있는 것을 우연히 발견하게 되었어요. He caught the..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 쥐, 고양이, 그리고 수탉
A YOUNG Mouse, that had not seen much of the world, came home one day and said: 세상을 아직 많이 보지 못한, 어린 쥐 한마리가 어느날 집에 와사 말했어요: “O mother! I have had suc..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 도끼와 나무들
Once upon a time, a man came to a forest to ask the Trees if they would give him some wood to make a handle for his Ax. 옛날옛적에, 한 남자가 숲에와서 나무들에게 물었어요. 도끼 핸들로 쓰게 나무 좀..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 고양이와 수탉
A hungry Cat, who had tried in vain to find a Mouse for her supper, at last caught a young Cock. 저녁식사로 쥐를 찾다가 실패한 배고픈 고양이가 마침내 젊은 수탉을 잡았어요. “You are a noisy crea..
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 닭과 제비
A HEN who had no nest of her own found some eggs, and, in the kindness of her heart, thought she would take care of them, and keep them warm. 자기 둥지가 없는 암탁이 알 몇개를 발견하고는, 친절하게도..
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