
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 닭과 제비 본문

영어 독해 연습 (English Reading Practice)

(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 닭과 제비

2020. 10. 29. 10:20

A  HEN who had no nest of her own found some eggs, and, in the kindness of her heart, thought she would take care of them, and keep them warm.

자기 둥지가 없는 암탁이 알 몇개를 발견하고는, 친절하게도 그 알들을 돌보고 따뜻하게 해줘야겠다고 생각했어요.

But they were the eggs of a viper; and by and by the little snakes began to come out of the shell.

하지만 걔네들은 독사의 알이었어요. 곧 작은 뱀들이 껍질을 깨고 나오기 시작했죠.

A Swallow, who was passing, stopped to look at them.

지나가던 제비가 멈춰서 그걸 봤어요.

“What a foolish creature you were, to hatch those eggs!” said the Swallow. 

"뭐이런 바보같은 자식이 있어, 저런 알을 부하하고" 제비가 말했어요.

“Don’t you know that as soon as the little snakes grow big enough, they will bite some one - probably you first of all?”

"야 모르겠니? 그 작은 뱀들이 충분히 커지면, 누군가를 물긴데 - 아마도 너가 첫번째가 될긴데?"

“Then,” said the Hen, as she stood on one leg and looked at the ugly little snakes, first with one eye and then with the other, 

"그럼," 암탉이 말했어요, 한발로 서서 못생긴 뱀들을 쳐다보면서, 먼저 한쪽 눈으로 그리고 다른쪽 눈으로.

“you think I have done more harm than good?”

"그럼 내가 좋은 일을 했다기 보다 해를 끼치는 일을 했다는 거야?"

“I certainly do,” said the Swallow, as she flew away. “Good judgment is better than thoughtless kindness.”

"당연하지 등신아," 제비가 날라가면서 말했어요. "아무 생각없는 친절함보다 판단을 잘하는게 우선이얌마"

viper : 독사

by and by : 곧

swallow : 제비, 삼키다

creature : 생물

ugly : 못생긴

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