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목록이솝우화 (15)
A HEN who had no nest of her own found some eggs, and, in the kindness of her heart, thought she would take care of them, and keep them warm.자기 둥지가 없는 암탁이 알 몇개를 발견하고는, 친절하게도 그 알들을 돌보고 따뜻하게 해줘야겠다고 생각했어요. But they were the eggs of a viper; and by and by the little snakes began to come out of the shell.하지만 걔네들은 독사의 알이었어요. 곧 작은 뱀들이 껍질을 깨고 나오기 시작했죠. A Swallow, who was passing, stopped to look at them..

우리에게 너무 익숙한 Aesop's fable 로 영어독해 연습할 수 있는 페이지입니다. 지속적으로 업데이트 예정입니다. 즐겨찾기 걸어서 꾸준히 Study 해봐요~~ (영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 늑대와 양 THE WOLF AND THE LAMB 늑대와 양 One day a Wolf and a Lamb happened to come at the same time to drink from a brook that ran down the side of the mountain. 어느날 늑대와 양이 산기슭을 흐르는 시냇물로.. almost-native.tistory.com (영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 여우와 사자 THE FOX AND THE LION 여우와 사자 A little fox was out playing ..
A hungry Cat, who had tried in vain to find a Mouse for her supper, at last caught a young Cock. 저녁식사로 쥐를 찾다가 실패한 배고픈 고양이가 마침내 젊은 수탉을 잡았어요. “You are a noisy creature,” she said to him, “and have lived long enough. You disturb every one in the house by your loud crowing in the morning.” "너임마 시끄러운 놈아," 고양이가 말했어요, "넘마 충분히 살았어. 니가 아침에 하도 시끄럽게 울어서 집안에 있는 모든 사람들을 방해하고 말이지." “You are mistaken,” answere..
Once upon a time, a man came to a forest to ask the Trees if they would give him some wood to make a handle for his Ax. 옛날옛적에, 한 남자가 숲에와서 나무들에게 물었어요. 도끼 핸들로 쓰게 나무 좀 줄 수 있냐고. The Trees thought this was very little to ask of them, and they gave him a good piece of hard wood. 나무들은 별거 아니라고 생각하고는, 남자에게 단단한 나무의 좋은 부분을 줬어요. But as soon as the man had fitted the handle to his Ax, he went to work to chop..

A YOUNG Mouse, that had not seen much of the world, came home one day and said: 세상을 아직 많이 보지 못한, 어린 쥐 한마리가 어느날 집에 와사 말했어요: “O mother! I have had such a fright! I saw a great creature strutting about on two legs. " "엄마! 나 엄청 놀라운걸 봤어! 두발로 뽐내며 걷는 엄청 큰 생물을 봤어." "I wonder what it was! On his head was a red cap. His eyes were fierce and stared at me, and he had a sharp mouth." "그게 뭔지 모르겠어! 머리에 빨간 모자를 ..

IT ONCE happened that a hungry Lion woke to find a Mouse just under his paw. 굶주린 사자가 잠에서 깨었을때 발아래 쥐새끼가 한마리 있는 것을 우연히 발견하게 되었어요. He caught the tiny creature, and was about to make a mouthful of him, when the little fellow looked up, and began to beg for his life. 사자는 그 작은 생물을 잡고는 한입에 먹으려고 했어요. 그때 그 작은 친구가 위로 올려다보며 살려달라고 빌기 시작했어요. In most piteous tones the Mouse said: “Do not eat me. I meant no ha..
ONCE there were two Frogs who were dear friends. 옛날에 친한 친구사이였던 두마리 개구리가 살고 있었어요. One lived in a deep pond in the woods, where the trees hung over the water, and where no one came to disturb him. 하나는 숲속 깊은 연못에서 살았어요. 거기는 물위로 나무들이 드리워져있고 아무도 방해하지 않았어요. The other lived in a small pool. 다른 하나는 작은 웅덩이에 살았어요. This was not a good place for a Frog, or any one else, to live in, for the country road passe..
A DRUM once boasted to a Vase of Sweet Herbs in this way: 북(드럼)이 한번은 향초 꽃병에게 이런식으로 자랑질을 했어요: “Listen to me! My voice is loud and can be heard far off." "내말 잘 들어라! 내 목소리는 커서 먼데서도 들려." "I stir the hearts of men so that when they hear my bold roaring they march out bravely to battle.” "나는 병사들의 마음을 움직이지, 그들이 내 굵은 소리를 들으면 전장에 용감하게 행진할 정도야." The Vase spoke no words, but gave out a fine, sweet perfume,..