
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 쥐, 고양이, 그리고 수탉 본문

영어 독해 연습 (English Reading Practice)

(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 쥐, 고양이, 그리고 수탉

2020. 8. 15. 11:34

A  YOUNG Mouse, that had not seen much of the world, came home one day and said: 

세상을 아직 많이 보지 못한, 어린 쥐 한마리가 어느날 집에 와사 말했어요:  


“O mother! I have had such a fright! I saw a great creature strutting about on two legs. "

"엄마! 나 엄청 놀라운걸 봤어! 두발로 뽐내며 걷는 엄청 큰 생물을 봤어."


"I wonder what it was! On his head was a red cap. His eyes were fierce and stared at me, and he had a sharp mouth."

"그게 뭔지 모르겠어! 머리에 빨간 모자를 쓰고 있고, 눈매는 날카롭고 나를 째려봤어, 그리고 주댕이도 뾰족하고."

“All at once he stretched his long neck, and opened his mouth so wide, and roared so loud, that I thought he was going to eat me up, and I ran home as fast as I could. "

"갸가 갑자기 긴목을 뻗고는 입을 크게 벌리고 크게 소리지르길래 나 잡아먹을려고 하는줄 알고 졸라게 뛰어서 집으로 돌아왔어." 


"I was sorry that I met him, for I had just seen a lovely animal, greater even than he, and would have made friends with her. "

"그런놈을 만나서 유감이었지, 왜냐하면 사랑스런 동물을 봤거든. 그놈보다 훨씬 컸어. 그리고 친구도 될뻔 했는데."


"She had soft fur like ours, only it was gray and white. Her eyes were mild and sleepy, and she looked at me very gently and waved her long tail from side to side. "

"그녀는 우리처럼 부드러운 털도 있었고 회백색이었어. 그녀의 눈은 온화하고 졸리는듯 보였고 나를 아주 상냥하게 쳐다보더라고. 그리고 긴 꼬리를 이리저리 흔들고 있었지."


"I thought she wished to speak to me, and I would have gone near her, but that dreadful thing began to roar, and I ran away.”

"내 생각에는 나한테 뭔가 말하고 싶었나봐. 그녀(고양이)한테 가까이 가려고 했는데, 그 무서운 놈(닭)이 소리치기 시작해서 도망쳤어."

“My dear child,” said the mother, “you did well to run away. "

"사랑스런 짜샤," 엄마왈, "도망치길 잘 했다 임마."


"The fierce thing you speak of would have done you no harm. It was a harmless Cock. "

"네가 말하는 무서운 놈은 너한테 아무 해를 주지않아. 해가되지 않는 그냥 수탉이야."


"But that soft, pretty thing was the Cat, and she would have eaten you up in a minute, for she is the worst enemy you have in the whole world."

"하지만 그 부드럽고 예쁘게 생긴 놈은 고양이야. 순식간에 널 잡아먹었을거다. 왜냐하면 고양이는 세상에서 네가 가진 최악의 적이거든." 


"Appearances are not always to be trusted.”

"외모만 믿으면 좃된다."



cock : 수탉, rooster

would have made friends : 친구가 되었을 수도 있었는데 (but failed) (가정법 과거)

The fierce thing you speak of : 네가 말하는 무서운 놈



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