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(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 황소와 개구리 본문
(영어독해연습) [이솝우화] 황소와 개구리
2019. 6. 27. 00:33AN Ox, drinking at a pool, chanced to set his foot on a young Frog, and crushed him to death.
웅덩이에서 물을 마시던 한마리 황소가 우연히 어린 개구리를 발로 밟아서 죽였어요.
His brothers and sisters, who were playing near, ran at once to tell their mother what had happened.
가까이서 놀고있던, 그의 형제들과 누이들이 즉시 엄마한테 달려가서 일어난 일을 말했어요.
“Oh, Mother,” they cried, “a very huge beast, with four great feet, came to the pool, and crushed our brother to death in an instant, with his hard, cloven heel.”
"어, 엄마," ... "4개의 큰 발을 가진, 엄청 큰 짐승이 웅덩이에 와서 우리의 형제를 순식간에 밟아 죽였어요. 그 단단하고 갈라진 뒷꿈치로..
The old Frog was very vain. She was rather large, as Frogs go, and gave herself airs on account of it.
늙은 개구리는 매우 자만심이 강했어요. 그녀는 다소 컸어요. 자기몸에 공기를 불어 넣고는.
“Was the cruel beast so very large?” she said. “How big?”
"그 잔인한 짐승이 그렇게 크디?" ... "얼마나 큰데?"
“Oh!” said the young Frogs. “It was a terrible monster!”
"오!" 어린 개구리들이 말했어요. "끔찍한 괴물이었어요!"
“Was it as big as this?” she said, blowing and puffing herself out.
"이 만큼 크디?" 자기 몸에 바람을 불어넣어 불룩하게 부풀리면서 말했어요.
“Oh, much bigger,” replied the young Frogs.
"어, 훨씬 더 컸어요," ...
“As big as this, then?” she added, puffing and blowing with all her might.
"이 만큼 크디, 그럼?" 있는 힘을 다해 불룩하게 만들면서 말했어요.
“A great deal bigger,” they answered.
"훨씬 더 컸어요," ...
“Well, was it so big?”
"그럼, 이만큼 크디?"
“Oh, Mother!” cried the Frogs; “pray do not try to be so big. If you were to puff till you burst, you could not make yourself half so big as the creature we tell you of.”
"오, 엄마!" 개구리들이 소리쳤어요; "너무 크게 하지마요. 터질때까지 부풀린다해도, 우리가 말하는 그 괴물 사이즈의 반도 안되요."
But the silly old Frog would not give up. She tried again to puff herself out, saying, “As big as”?and she did indeed burst.
하지만, 어리석은 늙은 개구리는 포기하지 않았어요. 그녀는 다시 자신을 최대한 부풀리려고 했어요, "이 만큼 커?" 라고 말하면서, 그리고는 정말로 터져버렸어요. (컥 -,.- )
It is useless to attempt what is impossible.
불가능한 것을 시도하는 것은 쓸데 없죠.
cloven heel : cloven hoof, (cloven = split)
vain : 자만심이 강한, 허영심이 강한
on account of it : = due to it = because of it
as Frogs go : 개구리들이 할 수 있는 한
puff out : 불룩하게 부풀리다
pray do not try to be so big : pray = please
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