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목록영어공부 (98)
A MOST rapacious Eagle had his eyrie on a lofty rock. 아주 탐욕스러운 독수리 한마리가 높은 바위위에 둥지를 틀었어요. Sitting there, he could watch the movements of the animals he wished to make his prey, and, waiting his opportunity, seize them and bear them away. 거기에 앉아서, 독수리는 먹이감이 될만한 동물들의 움직임을 볼 수가 있었어요. 그들을 잡아서 낚아채갈 기회를 기다리면서.. The poor creatures had no protection from such a foe. 불쌍한 동물들은 이런 적(독수리)으로부터 어떤 보호막도 없었어요. ..
IN A FOREST, deep, shady, and still, there once lived a company of Hares. 깊고, 그늘지고, 조용한 숲속에 한무리의 토끼들이 살았어요. Whenever a leaf fell rustling to the ground, or a squirrel, jumping in the branches, broke a twig, the Hares started and trembled, they were so timid. 나뭇잎이 땅에 떨어지거나 나뭇가지를 뛰어다니던 다람쥐가 작은가지를 부러뜨릴때마다 토끼들은 놀라서 벌벌 떨었어요. 그들은 아주 겁이 많았죠. One day there came a great wind, rushing through the tops of ..

Active noise cancellation for immersive sound 몰입 사운드를 위한 노이즈제거 기능 Transparency mode for hearing and connecting with the world around you 당신 주위의 세상과 듣고 연결하기 위한 투명 모드 Three sizes of soft, tapered silicone tips for a customizable fit 조절가능한 핏을 위한 세가지 크기의 부드럽고 끝이 가늘어지는 실리콘 팁 Sweat and water resistant 땀과 수분 방지 Adaptive EQ automatically tunes music to the shape of your ear 적응성 이퀄라이저가 자동으로 당신의 귀모양에 맞춰 음..
A great city was once besieged, and all its inhabitants were gathered together to consider by what means it might be protected from the enemy. "큰 도시가 포위되어 주민들이 모였어요. 적들로 부터 보호받을 수 있는 어떤 방법들이 있는지 찾아보려고요" A Bricklayer earnestly recommended bricks as the best materials for successful defense. "벽동골은 열심히 벽돌을 추천했어요. 성공적인 방어를 위한 최고의 물질로." A Carpenter with equal energy proposed timber as a preferable me..

A PIGEON who was very thirsty saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. 아주 목마른 비둘기 한마리가 간판에 그려진 고블릿 물잔을 봤어요. Without stopping to see what it was, she flew to it with a loud whir, and dashing against the signboard, jarred herself terribly. 뭔지 보지도 않고, 크게 퍼덕이며 날아서 간판으로 돌진했어요. 그리곤 심하게 부딪혔어요. Having broken her wings, she fell to the ground, and was caught by a man, 날개가 부러져서 땅바닥에 떨어져서 한남자한테 잡혔어요. ..
A fowler caught a Partridge, and was just going to kill it. 새 사냥꾼이 꿩을 잡았어요, 그리고 죽이려고 하는데.. “Wait a moment,” said the Partridge; “don’t kill me.” "잠깐만요," 꿩이 말했어요; "저좀 살려주세요." “Why not?” said the Fowler. 사냥꾼 왈, "왜~?" “Because I like to live,” said the Partridge; "왜냐면 살고 싶으니까요," (푸하하 말장난하니??) “and, besides, if you let me go, I will bring some of my friends and neighbors here, and you can catch them..
A CROW stole a piece of cheese one day, and flew with it up into a tree, so as to eat it at her leisure. 어느날 까마귀 한마리가 치즈 하나를 훔쳐서 나무로 날라갔어요. 짬날때 먹으려구요. As she sat there, holding it in her beak, a Fox chanced to pass by, and looking up saw her. 까마귀가 부리에 그 치즈를 물고 앉아있을때, 여우 한마리가 우연히 지나가다가 까마귀를 보았어요. “How good that cheese smells!” thought he; “I’ll have it, sure as I’m a Fox.” "치즈 냄새가 쥐겨주는구만!" 라고 생각했..
ALL day long a Fisherman had been toiling and had caught nothing. 하루종일, 어부는 고생했지만 아무것도 잡지 못했어요. “I will make one more effort,” thought he, “and then I must go home.” "한번만 더 하자," ... "그리고나서 집에 가야지." He threw in his line, and soon drew up a very small perch. 낚시줄을 던졌어요. 그리고 곧 아주 작은 민물고기를 건져올렸어요. The little Fish was terribly frightened when he found himself out of water, and with a sharp hook sticki..