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목록영어공부 (98)
I smell a crow. We killed his friends. Thought you'd want to question this one. What do we want with a baby crow? This baby killed Qhorin Halfhand. He wants to be one of us. That half-handed cunt killed friends of mine. Friends twice your size. My father told me big men fall just as quick as little ones if you put a sword through their hearts. Plenty of little men tried to put their swords throu..
First time you've seen a giant, Jon Snow?Well, don't stare too long. They're shy.When they stop being shy,they get angry.And when they're angry,I've seen them pound a man straight into the ground like a hammer on a nail. Crow! Crow!Look over there!Crow!Crow! Look over here!Look!Ah, look, crow coming!Crow! You're wearing the wrong color.Mance was a ranger.In your hearts, all you crows want to fly..
Fall back! Brother?Did you send the ravens?Tarly, look at me.Did you send the ravens?That was your job.Your only job.We need to get back to the Wall.It's a long march. We know what's out there,but we have to make it,have to warn themor before winter's done,everyone you've ever known will be dead. 후퇴하라! 형제여?까마귀를 보냈느냐?탈리, 날 봐라까마귀를 보냈느냐?그게 네 임무잖아.네 유일한 임무.장벽으로 귀환해야겠다갈 길이 멀다 무엇이 우릴 기다릴 지 다들 알 거다우린 반..
A MULE, hearing some Grasshoppers chirping, was much pleased with the sound, and wished that he could make such sweet music.노새 한마리가, 귀뚜라미가 소리내는걸 듣고는, 그 소리에 뿅가서 자기도 그런 달콤한 음악소리를 낼 수 있기를 희망했어요. “What sort of food do you eat,” said he to the Grasshoppers, “that your voices are so charming?”"너 도대체 뭐 먹길래," ..... "네 목소리는 그렇게 환상적이니?" The Grasshoppers replied, “We live upon dew.”귀뚜라미가 대답했어요, "우리는 이슬을 먹고..
ONE very stormy day a Poor Man came to a rich man’s house to beg.어느 비바람치는 날에 가난한 남자가 구걸하러 부자네 집에 찾아왔어요. “Away with you!” said the servants; “do not come here troubling us.”"꺼져 임마!" 라고 하인이 말했어요; "이리와서 우리 귀찮게 하지말고." Then said the Man, “Only let me come in and dry my clothes at your fire.” 그때 그남자가 말했어요, "들어가서 내 옷이나 좀 말리게 해주세요." This, the servants thought, would not cost them anything; so they let h..
A FOX once happened to fall into a deep well. 여우가 우연히 깊은 우물에 빠지게 되었어요. He tried in every way to get out, but at last began to think that it was impossible, and that he must die there, a prisoner. 빠져나가려고 여러모로 노력했지만, 결국 불가능하고, 거기서 죽어야한다고 생각하게 되었어요. 죄수처럼. While he was thinking how sad that would be, a thirsty Goat came and looked down into the well, wishing that he could get some water. He soon saw..
Dorne. It's going to Dorne.Why Dorne?It's carrying silk and it's supposed to bringback wine in exchange. But it's not coming back.The captain's tired of risking his lifeso King's Landing lords and ladies can get drunk on better wine than they deserve. He's going to stay in Dorne.Wait out the winter where it's beautiful and warm.I met some people in Dorne whoweren't so beautiful and warm. Don't r..
We should set the siege lines 1,000 yardsfrom Harrenhal. There won't be a siege. The Mountain can't defend a ruin. I imagine the Mountain will defend whatever Tywin Lannister tells him to defend. The Lannisters have been running from us since Oxcross.I'd love a fight.The men would love a fight. I don't think we're going to get one.200 Northmen slaughtered like sheep. The debt will be repaid, my ..