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목록분류 전체보기 (432)
D : Yerica, now we are going to see the safari world.D : 예리카, 자 이제 사파리월드를 체험하러 가는 거야. Y : Daddy, are there going to be tigers?Y : 아빠, 거기 가면 호랑이도 있어? D : They have no tigers, but they got lions.D : 호랑이는 없는데, 사자는 있어. Y : A lion? I'm scared, daddy. What if the lion comes and bites me?Y : 사자? 아빠 나 너무 무서운데? 사자가 갑자기 달려들어서 나 물면 어떡하지? D : Don't worry. Daddy will protect you.D : 걱정마, 아빠가 지켜줄게. * 지켜주다 pro..
Y : Daddy, how can you do this to me?Y : 아빠, 어떻게 그럴 수 있어? D : Ah, I'm sorry. Did it frighten you?D : 아, 미안, 우리 예리카 많이 놀랐어? Y : You said you would protect me from the lion. And you ran away alone as soon as a lion roared.Y : 사자가 오면 나 지켜준다며, 근데 사자가 으르렁 대자마자 아빠 혼자 멀리 도망갔잖아~ D : Eh~ well~ I'm actually scared of lions.D : 어~저기 그게~ 아빠가 사실은 사자 공포증이 있어~ Y : Whatever. Don't go back on your word. Daddy, y..

Fall back! Brother? Did you send the ravens? Tarly, look at me. Did you send the ravens? That was your job. Your only job. We need to get back to the Wall. It's a long march. We know what's out there, but we have to make it, have to warn them or before winter's done, everyone you've ever known will be dead. 후퇴하라! 형제여? 까마귀를 보냈느냐? 탈리, 날 봐라 까마귀를 보냈느냐? 그게 네 임무잖아. 네 유일한 임무. 장벽으로 귀환해야겠다 갈 길이 멀다 무엇이 우릴..
A Nightingale sitting on the top of an oak, singing her evening song, was spied by a hungry Hawk, who swooped down and seized her. 참나무 위에 앉아서 저녁노래를 부르고 있는 나이팅게일을 배고픈 매가 봤어요. 매는 곧장 내려와서 나이팅게일을 잡았어요. The frightened Nightingale prayed the Hawk to let her go. 놀란 나이팅게일이 놔달라고 매에게 빌었어요. “If you are hungry,” said she, “why not catch some large bird? I am not big enough for even a luncheon.” "당신이 배고프면," ..
D : Yerica, do you still keep in touch with Joan? D : 예리카, 요즘 조앤이랑 연락해? Y : No, not at all. Y : 아니 전혀. D : What? Won't you guys close? D : 뭐야? 너네 친한거 아니었어? Y : Don't ever bring her in front of me. Y : 내 앞에서 걔 얘기 꺼내지도마. D : Did something happen? D : 무슨 일 있었어? Y : Don't even get me started. Whenever something bad happened at her job, she would take everything out on me. And I told her : "Let's jus..
Some little Mice, who lived in the walls of a house, met together one night, to talk of the wicked Cat and to consider what could be done to get rid of her. 한집의 벽안에서 살고있는 몇몇 쥐들이 어느날 저녁에 모여서 사악한 고양이에 대해 토론을 하고 있었어요. 고양이를 제거하기 위해서 뭘 어떻게 할지를 고민하면서.. The head Mice were Brown-back, Gray-ear, and White-whisker. 우두머리 쥐들은 갈색등, 회색귀, 하얀수염 이었어요. “There is no comfort in the house,” said Brown-back. "이집에는 평안..
A DONKEY once put on a Lion’s skin which some hunters had spread out to dry. 당나귀 한마리가 어떤 사냥꾼이 말리려고 널어놓은 사자 껍질을 뒤집어 썼어요. It did not fit the Donkey very well, but he found that in it he could frighten all the timid, foolish little animals, so he amused himself by chasing them about. 그것은 당나귀한테 잘 맞지는 않았지만, 그껍질 안에서는 모든 겁많은 바보같은 작은 동물들을 겁줄 수 있다는 것을 알았어요. 그래서 그들을 여기저기 쫒아다니면서 즐겼어요. By and by he met a Fo..
A kid coming home alone one night met a big Wolf. 한 꼬마가 혼자 집에 오다가 큰 늑대를 만났어요. “Oh, oh, I know you will kill me,” said the little Kid; “but please play me a tune, so that I may have one more dance before I die; I am so fond of dancing.” "어, 오, 나는 당신이 날 죽일걸 알아요," 라고 작은 꼬마가 말했어요; "하지만 나를 위해 연주 한곡만 해주세요, 내가 죽기전에 한번더 춤출수 있게; 나는 춤추는 걸 무척 좋아하거든요." “Very well,” said the Wolf, “I will try, for I should l..