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목록분류 전체보기 (432)

What if you took off that bit there? Don't you want to leave something to the imagination? Trouble is, I've never had much imagination. I want you to take it off. Mouth. Ser Bronn. Ser Bronn. I didn't hear that. Apologies, ser. Back away. Keep backing away till you're outside this establishment. Then back away some more. Lord Tyrion sent me. I will murder you, boy. He said it was a matter of lif..

I smell a crow. We killed his friends. Thought you'd want to question this one. What do we want with a baby crow? This baby killed Qhorin Halfhand. He wants to be one of us. That half-handed cunt killed friends of mine. Friends twice your size. My father told me big men fall just as quick as little ones if you put a sword through their hearts. Plenty of little men tried to put their swords throu..
A Bat, trying to fly one day, fell to the ground, and a Weasel caught him. 박쥐 한마리가 어느날 날다가, 땅에 떨어져서, 족제비에게 잡혔어요. The Bat begged the Weasel not to kill him. 박쥐는 살려달라고 박쥐에게 빌었어요. “There is nothing I hate like a bird,” said the Weasel; “I always kill them.” "내가 새를 싫어하는 것 외에 다른 뜻은 없어," 족제비가 말했어요; "나는 항상 새들을 죽이지." “But I am not a bird,” said the Bat, as he folded his wings close to his sides; “birds ..
AN Ox, drinking at a pool, chanced to set his foot on a young Frog, and crushed him to death. 웅덩이에서 물을 마시던 한마리 황소가 우연히 어린 개구리를 발로 밟아서 죽였어요. His brothers and sisters, who were playing near, ran at once to tell their mother what had happened. 가까이서 놀고있던, 그의 형제들과 누이들이 즉시 엄마한테 달려가서 일어난 일을 말했어요. “Oh, Mother,” they cried, “a very huge beast, with four great feet, came to the pool, and crushed our broth..
AN Ant, walking by the river one day, said to himself, “How nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But as he began to drink, his foot slipped, and he fell in. 개미 한마리가, 어느날 강가를 거닐다가, 혼잣말로 말했어요, "이 물 정말 나이스하고 시원해 보이는데! 조금 마셔야쥐." 하지만 그가 막 마시려고 했을 때, 발이 미끄러져 물에 빠졌어요. “Oh, somebody please help me, or I shall drown!” cried he. "아, 누가 나 좀 도와줘요, 안그러면 나 뒤져요!" 그가 소리쳤어요. A Dove, sitting ..
A THIRSTY Crow once spied a pitcher, and flew to it to see if by chance there was any water in it. 목마른 까마귀가 어느날 물주전자를 발견하고 날아가서 혹시 그 안에 물이 있는지 봤어요. When she looked in, she saw that there was water, but that it was so far from the top that she could not reach it, though she stretched her neck as far as she could. 안을 들여다봤을때, 물이 있는 것을 봤어요. 하지만 주댕이로 부터 너무 멀어서 닿을 수가 없었어요. 모가지를 최대한 늘려도. She stopped, a..
There were once some Frogs who lived together in perfect security in a beautiful lake. 옛날에 몇몇 개구리들이 아름다운 호수에 정말 안전하게 함께 살고 있었어요. They were a large company, and were very comfortable, but they came to think that they might be still happier if they had a King to rule over them. 그들은 많았고, 매우 평안했지만, 그들을 지배할 왕이 있었으면 훨씬 더 행복했을거라고 생각하게되었어요. (빙ㅅㅋㅋ) So they sent to Jupiter, their god, to ask him to give t..
Y : It's time for Yerica's 1 minute interview and today we have a rapper D-Action in the house. Hello?Y : 자 예리카의 1분 인터뷰, 오늘은 가수 디액션씨를 모셨습니다. 안녕하세요? D : Yoyo, whatsup? I'm D-Action.D : 네, 안녕하세요? 디액션입니다. Y : So you just dropped a new song. What is your title song about?Y : 디액션씨 이번에 신곡 발표하셨잖아요? 타이틀곡은 어떤 내용이죠? D : It's about a guy overcoming his breakup.D : 한 남자가 이별을 극복하는 과정을 담아봤습니다. Y : Ah~ Is it a..